Started on July 4, 2017 Saturday

Week 9 – 12

Class Description
Acrylics are the most versatile or the mediums. They simplify the painting process for the beginners and proved a vast range of colour and flexibility for the most advanced improver. We spend 4 weeks on this beautiful medium taking you step by step through mixing, techniques, and compositions of the paints.

We begin by focussing on a small part of a larger object, showing you the artists way of enhancing the most interesting parts of an image. We begin by painting the image in a simple way, allowing you to then add as much detail are you want to. We look at images with a vast range of colour to explore. We will be demonstrating a pretty picture which includes a few other elements within the composition, and the use of palette knives. However, within the visual aids or indeed your own props if available, you have the option to pick out your own composition if you want to start with something simple or a little more challenging.

By week 12 you would have developed your own techniques and preferences of how you want to develop your artwork, drawing upon all the knowledge from previous classes and weeks

Join the Course

week 1 – 3

Days of Week:

Week 6–8

Time: 1:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Days of Week: Wednesday, Thursday